
Scripts, Plugs and Cake

James here. I'm very happy to announce I took my first stab at writing a script for a zombie short and I'm really pleased with the results. Shooting is planned for end of March for this one for a number of reasons I can't quite disclose yet. The only teaser I can give out right now is that it involves zombies and drugs.

For what it's worth, it's really quite easy to break into writing screenplays for shorts. The basic version of Celtx was more than enough to get my 3 pages of script (roughly 3 minutes of film I'm told?) done quickly.

The ZBBC email account received a neat idea for a short involving an elderly couple, the zombie apocalypse, and a theater. I might use that as practice for another screenplay. Kind of addicting actually, this writing business.

For anyone into writing, our own talented writer Shannon (@secretly_samus) is really going to town on her own blog which focuses on more along the writing industry as whole well as reviews and more.

And on that note, it's my birthday - enough of this creative stuff. Time to get krunk!

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